英國品牌Spamhaus則推出了零信譽域(Zero Reputation Domain,簡稱ZRD )服務。ZRD會自動將全世界新註冊的網域添加到封鎖清單中,從而可以保護客戶免於接收來自新的惡意網域的電子郵件。直接性的擋掉惡意軟件、勒索軟件甚至含有釣魚網站的信件。
今年度疫情關係,各國經濟隨之重創,全球惡意勒索比例急速攀升,情況相當嚴重。現在Spamhaus提供給企業用戶30天的免費使用,為全球資訊防禦盡一點心力。(資料來源/security zones)
想了解更多→Spamhaus大中華區代理商 思普股份有限公司
或來電02-8911-5656 ext 110
Most new domains are malicious. ZRD Provides intel and protection from newly-registered domains, until it is established that they are not malicious
Spamhaus Technology has introduced a new Zero Reputation Domain (ZRD) service based on Spamhaus’ temporal data. ZRD automatically adds newly-registered domains to a blocklist, allowing you to protect your customers from receiving emails from new malicious domains.
Blocking email traffic associated with recently registered Domains provides an extra layer of protection against malware, ransomware and spamming. The Zero Reputation Domain (ZRD) blocklist from Spamhaus is proven and easy to implement. Spamhaus Technology’s continuously updated ZRD datastream allows security providers to block email traffic sent from newly-registered domains before they can do any harm.
The ZRD blocklist helps to protect your users from clicking on links and visiting newly-registered domains until it can be firmly established that they are not associated with zero day attacks; phishing; bot-herding; spyware and ransomware campaigns.
What is it?
Research by Spamhaus has driven the development of the Zero Reputation Domain service designed to thwart cyber criminals who use newly registered domains to send spam and drive traffic to harmful websites hoping that users will fall victim before a domain has been analysed for its reputation. Legitimate organisations will rarely activate a domain and start using it immediately after registration so the ZRD automatically adds newly-registered and previously dormant domains to a blocklist for 24 hours. This protects users from unknown domains until it can be firmly established that they are not associated with zero day attacks, phishing, bot-herding, spyware and ransomware campaigns.
Blocking email traffic associated with recently registered Domains provides an extra layer of protection against malware, ransomware and spamming. The ZRD blocklist from Spamhaus is proven and easy to implement.
Benefits of Spamhaus ZRD
Looking for an extra layer of protection against malware, phishing emails, ransomware, spam, and other cyber threats? Spamhaus ZRD does just that by blocking email traffic associated with recently registered domains.
It’s easy to implement the ZRD blocklist, and the continuously updated ZRD datastream has been proven to help protect users by blocking email traffic sent from newly registered domains before they can do any harm.
The ZRD blocklist protects users from clicking on links and visiting newly registered domains until it’s firmly established that these domains are not associated with zero-day attacks, phishing, bot-herding, spyware, or ransomware campaigns.
Now is the time to ensure that your business is fully protected from all types of spam and cyber threats. Sign up below for your free 30 day trial!